OPEN: Request for Proposals: Rusch Park Mechanical Well Roof Project
OPEN: Request for Proposals: Rusch Park Mechanical Well Roof Project
Rusch Park Mechanical Well Roof RFP Bid Packet
Rusch Park Mechanical Well Roof RFP Addendum #1
The Sunrise Recreation and Park District (SRPD) is seeking an experienced professional contractor to provide services for the removal and replacement of the existing roofing systems as specified.
Parties interested in this project are asked to submit one (1) copy of the proposal no later than 2:00pm on February 7, 2025, to:
Wayne Edmundson
Project Manager
Sunrise Recreation and Park District
7801 Auburn Blvd.
Citrus Heights, Ca 95610
SRPD reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive any technicalities, informalities, and irregularities, to accept or reject all or any part of the proposal, and to be the sole judge of suitability on the proposal offer.
The mandatory Pre-Bid walk date is scheduled for January 16, 2025, at 9:00am.
QUESTIONS - Please direct pre-bid questions in writing to:
Wayne Edmundson
Project Manager
Sunrise Recreation and Park District, by e-mail at:
Deadline for questions is Friday, January 24, 2025.
The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any informality in any bid, and to determine which bid, in the judgment of the Board, is the lowest responsive bid of a responsible bidder.
Kevin Huntzinger
District Administrator
Sunrise Recreation and Park District